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Heatwave Has Started: Includes Hydrating Foods In Your Diet To Avoid Heatwave



The summer season has arrived and the heat has started to become intense day-by-day. As the temperature rises the heatwave will become unbearable. This condition is called Hyperthermia when the temperature increases as high as normal. In the next few days, you will be experiencing the heatwave and the risk of heat illness. Many heatwave cases are reported in many cities as the temperature rises. Certain special foods such as fruits and vegetables are good in the summer season.

In the Article, we explore some summer cooling and refreshing fruits and vegetables. These can prevent the risk of heatwave and maintain the body’s temperature.

Fruits And Vegetables to Fight Heatwave

Certain foods such as fruits and vegetables are healthy in the summer season. They are highly hydrating fruits and vegetables with high water content. They can support your immunity system and beat extremely high temperatures. Apart from drinking an adequate amount of water around 2.5-3.5 liters daily. It is important to incorporate hydrating foods into your daily diet.

Here are some special fruits and vegetables that can fight against heatwaves.

Coconut Water

Image credit: Canva

Coconut water contains 94% water and is rich in minerals and electrolytes. It is one of the best ways to increase the water intake. It is also rich in nutrients like calcium, iron, minerals, and vitamin C. It boots the immune system. Reduce inflammation and fight against dehydration. Regular drinks of 1 glass of coconut water can prevent you from the heatwave and regulate the body’s temperature. It contains nutrients like

  • Water-94%
  • Calcium-4% (DA)
  • Carbs-15 g
  • Sugar-8 g
  • Potassium-15% (DA)


Image credit: Canva

Cucumber water contains 95% and many nutrients like vitamin C, and antioxidants. High water content helps maintain body temperature and protect you from heat exhaustion. High fiber helps with constipation and heartburn. It is effective for skin health, and weight loss with its cooling properties. It contains essential minerals that can regulate the electrolyte balance of the body. It contains nutrients like

  • Water-95%
  • Calories-30
  • Fiber-2 g
  • Vitamin C-10% (DA)
  • Potassium-12% (DA)
  • Carbs-6 g


Image credit: Canva

Onion is the best way to protect from the heatwave and sunstrokes. The high content of the water can help your body with hydration during the summer and maintain the body’s temperature. It contains antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals which can prevent harmful UV rays. It can also reduce inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Potassium presents in the onion prevent oxidative street. It has a natural cooling effect eating onion protects the body from extreme heatwave. It contains nutrients like

  • Calories-44
  • Protein-1.2 g
  • Carbs-10.3 g
  • Potassium-3.4 %
  • Water-89%


Image credit: Canva

Watermelon is the best fruit with high water content. Apart from quenching thirst, it has many benefits for your skin and health. It can keep your body hydrated during summer and increase your daily water intake. It is a hydrating fruit but low in calories and exceptionally refreshing. It contains nutrients like

  • Calories-30
  • Water-91%
  • Protein-0.6 g
  • Crabs-7.6 g
  • Fiber-0.4 g
  • Fat-0.2 g

Mint Leaves

Image credit: Canva

Mint leaves have a cooling, aromatic, and refreshing effect on the body. It contains menthol which helps regulate the body’s temperature and prevent heatwave. Incorporate mint into your diet to prevent indigestion, bloating, and nausea. It will also enhance the flavor of water and many beverages. Regularly eating mint leaves makes the body more hydrated and increases water intake. It can prevent dehydration during the summer season.

Citrus Fruits

Image credit: Canva

Citrus fruits are a great source of water and vitamin C an essential mineral for your body. Fruits such as oranges, lemons, and many more are high in water content and keep your body hydrated and cool. These fruits contain a high amount of antioxidants that increase immunity systems. Protect the body from environmental stressors. Water and vitamin C prevent heat waves and regulate the body’s temperature. Some citrus fruits are

  • Oranges
  • Grapefruits
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Kinnow
  • Satsuma
  • Kumquat

Wood Apple(Stone Apple)

Image credit: Canva

Wood apple has many health benefits during the summer season. It is a high water-content fruit with cooling properties. It contains vitamin C, minerals that can boost the energy levels. Laxative properties improve the digestion system and prevent constipation. It is rich in water keeps your body hydrated during summer and protects from heatwave. The cooling and refreshing aroma of this fruit reduces body heat. It contains nutrients like

  • Water
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin C
  • Minerals

Other Tips And Tricks To Prevent Heatwave

Heatwaves may cause sickness and severe illness and the major reason is dehydration. Especially children, pregnant women, and senior citizens are at major risk of heat waves. During the summer season, the air of the atmosphere gets hot and intense which can cause heat stroke, fatigue, and dehydration. Here are some additional tips to keep in mind during the summer season to prevent heatwave and dehydration.

  • Always carry a water bottle with you and keep yourself hydrated.
  • Always wear Sun-protective clothes to protect from heatstroke and sunburn.
  • Avoid going outside during the peak sun hours 11 am – 4 pm.
  • Seak shades
  • Wear a hat or cap.
  • Keep Hydrated.
  • Avoid smoking and coffee.

Heatwaves affect the human body

  • Dehydration
  • Heat Exhaustion
  • Heat Cramps
  • Disrupted Sleep
  • Heat Stroke


Heatwaves can cause sickness and severe illness. Especially children, infants, pregnant women, and senior citizens are at higher risk of getting affected by it. Diet plays a major role in protecting yourself from heatwaves and extreme heat. The best way to keep the body cool in the summer is to incorporate healthy fruits and vegetables into your diet.

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